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Gil Stieglitz – How to Become a Good and Godly Husband
Gil Stieglitz – How to Become a Good and Godly Husband
**More information:
- How to be the husband God is calling you to be.
- How to love your wife in the ways she feels your love.
- No Prerequisites
Men, your wife is not as mysterious as you make her out to be. She can be understood!
So many men go through their marriage believing they are doing a good enough job. But what we find is that men have little to no idea what really makes his wife feel fulfilled and joyful in the marriage. If you can get this right, she will become your biggest blessing. This course teaches seven keys to understand your wife. You’ll learn how to keep her secure in your relationship, create a sense of teamwork, and nurture her needs. I think you’ll find that if you practice them, your marriage will go to a whole new level. Change is possible, but you have to learn what to do.
7 Marriage-Changing Principles (Based on the book Becoming a Godly Husband by Gil Stieglitz)
H-Honor : a woman must receive this to stay emotionally connected in marriage. Learn this primary way to change your marriage and meet one of the core needs of your wife.
U-Understanding : this is essential if a man is to understand the unique temperament, gifts, and abilities of his wife. God tells husbands to do something that culture tells us is impossible –understand your wife.
S-Security : this is key to a woman’s spiritual connection to her husband. Your wife needs to feel secure in your relationship in ways that you have most likely never thought about. Learn the four ways that are most likely to threaten your marriage.
B-Building Unity and Direction : this is the constant job of the man so that the pressures of life do not destroy the marriage. Your wife needs you to engage in your marriage, to lead in your marriage, but in very specific ways. Learn the four aspects of leadership that you need to supply that will be readily accepted and deeply appreciated.
A-Agreement : a system a man must establish and manage so that both husband and wife can enthusiastically support the decisions that are made. What do you do when you and your wife do not agree about something? Do you just fight it out and see who is still standing at the end? (NO!) Live out Amos 3: 3 and live together in harmony. Learn this principle and it will help you avoid fights and bring positive results in your marriage.
N-Nurture : a man must provide all that his wife needs to blossom as a person, mother, worker, friend, and wife. Your wife can blossom into this amazing vineyard of delight if you learn how to truly nurture her. You are the husbandman, the gardener, and what she needs is completely different than what you need.
D-Defender : what the man must clearly become or his marriage, family, and life will be left unprotected and often destroyed. God has asked you to protect your wife from those things that could destroy her. Most of the time we are not physically protecting our wife, but you still have to protect her. Learn the four common areas where your protection will make the greatest difference.
- Husbands or those hoping to be married (again) someday
Salepage : Gil Stieglitz – How to Become a Good and Godly Husband
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